
Universal Proxy

HelloScreen lets you co-browse on websites you have not installed our Javascript SDK by proxying the whole session through our servers.

If you can, we encourage you to install our Javascript SDK on the pages you want to co-browse on, as this has two main advantages:

  1. The Visitor can stay on the page they are on when they need help, without reloading it.

  2. The experience is faster for both Agent and Visitor.

You can use the Proxy either to start a Session or to continue a Session previously started on a page with the Javascript SDK.

Starting on Proxy

You can start a Proxy session through the REST API.

Use this endpoint to create a new Proxy Session through the API.


  "initial_url": "",
  "allowed_domains": ["", ""],
  "branding": {
    "retry_url": null

Continuing on Proxy

When a Session started directly on your site heads for a third party website, it can switch to the Universal proxy.

This happens automatically when the Agent redirects the Visitor through the URL bar (to a site that has a different root domain from the current one).

We also attempt to redirect the Visitor to the Proxy when they click on a link to a third party site while they are on an active Session.

We are unable to intercept redirects from changes to location.href.

If you'd like to move a Session to the Proxy, you can use the [Upscope('redirect', url)](<>) function to programmatically send the Visitor to the Universal proxy.